Upcoming Events
21st Annual Graduate Student Conference
When: Saturday, April 20th, 2024
We are pleased to welcome you to the Louisiana State University Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduate Student Conference (MIE-GSC). The 21st MIE-GSC will be held at Patrick Taylor Hall (PFTH 1245), LSU on Saturday April 20th, 2024. The MIE-GSC is an annual exchange of ideas and research in different areas of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The conference is aimed at bringing the graduate students together for a day of research presentations to foster cross disciplinary discussions and collaborations. The opportunity to present current research in mechanical and industrial engineering is being offered to all master’s and doctoral students in Louisiana Universities planning to graduate in 2024. Awards will be granted to three best presentations as judged by all the participants. This conference is organized by the graduate students and faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department of Louisiana State University.
Past Events
2022 LSU MIE Graduate Student Conference
When: Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
The GSC gives the opportunity for graduate students to present their research to their peers and the faculty, thereby gaining valuable experience in the art of communicating and discussing research and technical content.
2023 LSU MIE Graduate Student Conference
When: Saturday, April 29th, 2023
The GSC gives the opportunity for graduate students to present their research to their peers and the faculty, thereby gaining valuable experience in the art of communicating and discussing research and technical content.